Under Title IX, students and employees cannot be discriminated against because they are pregnant, might become pregnant, or have pregnancy-related conditions.
If you are experiencing any of the following, you are entitled to certain rights and resources which will ensure you can continue your education or employment without discrimination and with reasonable modifications to help you succeed:
• Pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation
• Medical conditions arising from pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation
• Recover from pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, or lactation
To learn more about your rights and resources, contact the KBOCC Title IX Coordinator Lindsay Hatzis at Lindsay@icslawyer.com or (423) 667-1838. The Title IX Coordinator will work with you to coordinate specific actions to prevent sex discrimination and ensure your equal access to KBOCC’s education program or activities.
Reasonable Modifications for Students
KBOCC will make reasonable modifications to its policies, practices, or procedures as necessary to prevent sex discrimination and ensure equal access. Each reasonable modification will be based on the student’s individualized needs. KBOCC will consult with the student to determine what reasonable modifications are appropriate. A modification that KBOCC determines would fundamentally alter the nature of its education program or activity is not a reasonable modification.
The student has discretion to accept or decline each reasonable modification offered by KBOCC. If a student accepts an offered reasonable modification, KBOCC will implement it.
Examples of reasonable modifications include:
• Breaks during class to express breast milk, breastfeed, or attend to health needs associated with pregnancy or related conditions (such as eating, drinking, or using the restroom)
• Intermittent absences to attend medical appointments
• Changes in schedule or course sequence
• Extensions of time for coursework or rescheduling of tests and examinations
• Access to online education
• Being allowed to sit or stand, or carry/keep water nearby
• Voluntary leaves of absence
To discuss reasonable modifications, please contact KBOCC Title IX Coordinator Lindsay Hatzis at Lindsay@icslawyer.com or (423) 667-1838.
Prohibited Disclosures of Personally Identifiable Information
The College cannot disclose personally identifiable information about you (such as your name, birth date, address, etc.) learned as a result of you disclosing your current, potential, or past pregnancy or pregnancy related conditions, except in the following circumstances.
1. When KBOCC has obtained prior written consent from a person with the legal right to consent to the disclosure;
2. When the information is disclosed to a parent, guardian, or other authorized legal representative with the legal right to receive disclosures on behalf of the person whose personally identifiable information is at issue;
3. To carry out the purposes of Title IX, including action taken to address conduct that reasonably may constitute sex discrimination under Title IX in KBOCC’s education program or activity;
4. As required by Federal law, Federal regulations, or the terms and conditions of a Federal award, including a grant award or other funding agreement; or
5. To the extent such disclosures are not otherwise in conflict with Title IX, when required by State or local law or when permitted under FERPA.
Reasonable Accommodations for Employees
KBOCC will treat an employee’s pregnancy or pregnancy related conditions as any other temporary medical conditions for all job-related purposes. This may include KBOCC providing reasonable workplace accommodations, including a voluntary leave of absence.
To discuss reasonable accommodations, please contact KBOCC Title IX Coordinator Lindsay Hatzis at Lindsay@icslawyer.com or (423) 667-1838.
Lactation Space
Students and employees have access to lactation space in the Health Office, Room 205N.
Below are KBOCC’s policies related to pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions:
[insert link to Student Pregnancy Policy]
[Insert link to Employee Pregnancy Policy]