KBOCC Fall 2024 Academic Honors
KBOCC is proud to share our student honors for the Fall 2024 academic term. These students have demonstrated their strong commitment to learning and academic excellence. We are pleased to share their achievements and recognize those accomplishments publicly.
Dean’s List: Full-time students who have completed 12 or more credits, have no incompletes, no more than four credits below the 100 level and who have earned a semester GPA of 3.50 to 4.0.
Dawna Briggs
Daebwae Chosa
Madelyn Crawford
Courtney Crittenden
Ryland Edwards
Kolye Goodman
Tasha Goyen
Amber Heikkinen
Anna Johnson
Christy Jordan
Devinne Kent
Christa Ketola
Jillian Kowalczuk
Kathleen LaBeau
Ashtin Lindemann
Jessica Lindemann
Tony Magnant
Jenna Maki
Jordis Numinen
Gabrielle Picciano
Samantha Ripley
Alissa Robillard
Pamela Smith
Lindsay Stein
Kristin Sullivan
Christopher Timonen
Honors List: Full-time students who have completed 12 or more credits, have no incompletes, no more than four credits below the 100 level and who have earned a semester GPA of 3.00 to 3.49.
Angela Kelly
Rebecca Meroni
Margaret Schoolcraft
Dustin Shelifoe
Brent Waranka
Victor Westman
Scholastic Achievement: Part-time students (under 12 credits) who have no incompletes, no courses below the 100 level and who have earned a semester GPA of 3.25 or above.
Joseph Balderama
Keisha Ballard
Julie Barrett
Charlie Bastian
Thersea Beesley
Gayle Britton
Natalie Brogan
Gunner Carlson
John Carr Jr
Jack Cooke
Dominick Crooks
Elizabeth Curtis
Keegan Davidson
Hudson Deering
Lisa Denomie
Shannon DesRochers
Brooklyn Dompier
Ellise Dove
Shayla Elmblad
Talan Engle
Miranda Forcia
Lillian Fritz
Janet Gerzetich
Viktor Haglund
Trent Halonen
Dana Hansen
Blake Harden
Layla Hilts
Eli Hongisto
Karissa Huggins
Grant Isaacson
Tristan Jenkin
Claire Johnson
Jane Kahkonen
Amber Kamarainen
Erin Kamarainen
Ryder Kemppainen
Deborah Knapp
Lily Knapp
Nathan Knapp
Phil Knapp
Ashtin Koski
Elle Kromer
Cassie Kujansuu
Carla Kyllonen
Tessa Laczy
Melissa Lahti
Michael Lahti
Elvera Lantz
Natalie Laramore
Bronz LeRue
Amber Loonsfoot
Nicole Magnant
Ashley Mahoney
Miah Maki
Drake Markham
Jennifer Martinac
Judith Mayo
Richard Morro
Christian Morseau
Cassidy Nauertz
Riley Olsen
Kale Patovisti
Melissa Paulson
Hunter Penokie
Madison Peterson
Krissa Pietila
Daniel Powell
Lynette Rank
Kylene Rank
Jacob Robbins
Kara Roberts
Joshua Robinson
Carson Sanregret
Austin Santti
Jamie Schultz
William Seppanen Sr
Loring Sherman
Sawyer Silvola
Kirby Storm
Kristy Teikari
Courtney Tembreull
Hunter Thomas
Chayse Thompson
Melissa Treadeau
Roman Trevino Peterlin
Taylor Turpeinen
Rachael Velmer
Mallory Waara
Cielle Waters-Umfleet
Tobias Willey
Connor Williams
Desta Willsey
Cindy Wiltse
*Please note: Additional students may have earned honors during this time period; however, they were self-reported as FERPA restricted and could not be included in this posting. If you have questions about the Academic Honors list or believe there is an error, please contact the Registrar at registrar@kbocc.edu.