770 N. Main St. L'Anse MI, 49946
(906) 524-8400



A program tailored to provide a dynamic and practical approach to understanding human behavior and preparing students for meaningful careers in diverse fields. Our program is designed to provide a solid foundation in psychological principles, coupled with hands-on experiences and real-world applications that equip students for success in today’s dynamic job market. This program pairs the scientific method with Indigenous research methodologies to ensure students are partaking in research that is relevant and reciprocal to Indigenous communities.


1. Explain key psychological theories & concepts.
2. Identify & apply relevant research methods & statistical analysis techniques to design and conduct research within the field of psychology.
3. Coordinate critical thinking & analytical skills to evaluate complex psychological problems.
4. Integrate Indigenous perspectives and research methodologies into the study of psychology.
5. Understand Indigenous healing practices & their role in promoting mental well-being within Indigenous communities.


Tim Raymond
Liberal Studies Department Chair

(906) 524-8311
Wabanung Campus – Rm 311


General Education Requirements
College Success Elective (Choose LS103 or LS133) – 2 credits
EN102 College Composition I – 3 credits
EN106 Sharing Information and Stories Orally – 3 credits
EN202 College Composition II – 3 credits
Lab Science Elective – 4 credits
Math Elective (MA103 or higher) – 4 credits
PY101 Introduction to Psychology – 4 credits
SO101 Introduction to Sociology – 4 credits

Anishinaabe Awareness Anishinaabe Awareness Elective (Choose AS102 or OS110) – 4 credits

Program Requirements
IS110 Principles of Information Systems – 4 credits
LS290 Indigenous Research Methods – 4 credits
PY230 Postcolonial Psychology – 4 credits
PY240 Abnormal Psychology – 4 credits
PY250 Developmental Psychology – 4 credits
PY297 Capstone Seminar – 1 credit
PY299 Research and Special Projects – 1-4 credits

Elective Courses Concentration Elective (Choose from AS200, AS201, AS215, AS225, AS232, EC201, EC202, ES125, ES158, ES216, ES217, HL101, HL102, HS110, OS135, PY210, PY260, SO201, SO202 – 4 credits must be 200+ level) – 8 credits

Total Credits Required – 62 credits *

Students intending to transfer should consider fulfilling the Michigan Transfer Agreement’s (MTA) requirement of two sciences and math. See Michigan Transfer Agreement under General Education.
** Students who can demonstrate proficiency in using the computer applications covered in IS110 by either (1) providing evidence of successfully completing computer courses in secondary or community education settings within the past five years or (2) passing a KBOCC-administered proficiency exam will be permitted to select an alternative course or courses totaling 4 credits. Liberal studies majors who are interested in this option should speak with their advisor about procedures and appropriate alternative course selections.